How to do business with fare transition through forest restoration and circular economy


stakeholders supporting the project:

Cooperatives and comunities

Land owners, Goat producers, Pisco Producers.

State Ministeries and organizations

Forest, Agriculture, Regional Government.

Private Companies

Minning, Agribusiness

Key activities


Opportunity to show a business case of fare transition through forest restoration and circular economy, carbon reduction, desertification revert.

Media campaign

To explain the work to stakeholders constantly.


Gain trust, make them grow with a new business model (managing support), and money (buying biomass)

Current stage

Funding the project, in search of finance

José Miguel Figueroa

Agronomist Universidad de Chile and MBA Universidad Católica de Chile

Managing Director and Partner of Natufeed, a company dedicated to sell aditives for feed business, and “its core business is create new technologies for sustainable production in livestock and aquaculture (18 years experience)”, recognized as the most innovative company in Chile in 2017 by CORFO

Dendron makes possible do business,

stopping desertification

and creating circular economy